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Firewise Chipping Day

Monday, August 5th, 2024


Volunteers needed! Meet at the corner of Pequawket Lake Road and Hanscomb School Road at 8:30am sharp. Bring gloves, ear protection, and eye protection as you may be in close proximity to the chipper.

Property owners are responsible for bringing their brush and tree limbs to the curb (cut side towards the road for easy loading) prior to the day of chipping. If you would like to volunteer for our next chipping day, please reach out! If you are a property owner wishing to get on the Chipping list, please fill out the form below and return to our Community Sponsor:

Mark Eastman

31 June Street

Limington, ME 04049

July 6

PLPA Annual Meeting

August 8

Invasive Aquatic Plant Patrol Workshop