Beavers on the Lake
UPDATE - As of 12/3/2024, the trapper we have been working with has removed several members of the beaver family, however there are still some adults left to be trapped. Trapping will continue into the winter as per regulations until the entire family has been removed.
Click HERE to learn more about how to mitigate interactions with beavers!
In late September of this year, members of the PLPA identified what seemed to be a beaver dam at the spillway at the south end of Pequawket Lake. The Board reached out to the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife to discuss options. The Animal Damage Control agent we spoke with has added our lake to the Trapping List, the season of which begins October 27th. Once the beavers have been trapped, the traps will be removed and the trapper will have the authority to remove the dams.
Both the Animal Damage Control Agent as well as the Maine State Biologist have informed us that is it IMPERATIVE to NOT remove any dams built by the beavers while we are waiting for the traps to be set. In order to legally set beaver traps, the water level must be high enough to cover the traps completely. Removing the dams would lower the water level and put these traps in an illegal status.
If you are experiencing damage to your trees, shrubs, or property by beavers, please check out THIS link for helpful tips on managing conflicts with beavers. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions!
Beavers on the Lake
Beaver dam built in the spillway at the southern corner of Pequawket Lake, 9/27/2024